B737NG simulator
Building a Boeing 737 simulator by a 16 years old student.
pátek 2. listopadu 2012
Landing gear lever, yoke, MIP
Landing gear lever is almost done! Here are some photos...
Yoke has changed little bit too.
There you can see a construction of MIP (Main Instrument Panel). I admit, it doesnt look like B737 :-D .
Quick Reference Handbook
B737 Quick Reference Handbook (QRH) is printed, so our cockpit is prepared for some engine fail, fire or even evacuation...
Throttle Quadrant, yoke
I got more parts for Throttle Quadrant (Parking brake, thrust levers, flap lever)
The yoke is made from 3 pieces of a 16 mm plywood.
Yoke with checklist
Parking Brake, thrust levers + reverses, flap lever
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